Allston’s Five Month Update

Happy 5 months Allston!!

Allston 5 Months 7

In 4 short months you’ve gone from this strange looking baby I hardly recognize

Allston One Month 2

to this scrumptious cutie!

Allston 5 Months 5

And since I love comparisons…

Allston 5 Months 4

Allston One Month


You’re also looking so fair and blonde these days!

Allston 5 Months 3 Allston 5 Months 2

Allston 5 Months 6

And happy as always (accept from 5-6:30pm leading up to bed time).

Allston 5 Months 1


Allston 5 Months 8


This month you’ve made a best friend!


You’re absolutely fascinated by Remy and constantly reaching out to pet her and grab her hair.  Thankfully she’s the sweetest puppy ever and lets you do whatever you want to her.



You two melt my heart!


A big change this month is that you’re FINALLY sleeping in your crib and on your tummy.


We started by putting you in the sleep sack, but now you’re fine without it.  We only had one so thank god!


You typically sleep with your butt high up in the air and it’s ridiculously cute.  We still haven’t done sleep training with you though and you need to be rocked to sleep.  This will be changing very soon because we’re losing our patience with this.

Your favorite activities are playing in your Exersaucer


You also love trying to walk (especially with your daddy)



And of course snuggles from mommy (although you wouldn’t know it from that mug)!



It’s hard to remember a time before you.  Oh wait, I can actually remember.  It included a lot more free time and sleep.  But you’re totally worth it!





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7 Responses to Allston’s Five Month Update

  1. Lee says:

    So cute.
    We had a monthly comparison stuffed animal. Murphy ate it.

    • Heather says:

      Ha! Too bad we can’t use the pups as comparisons. Remy’s not good at sitting still and posing so I’m assuming Murphy isn’t either.

  2. he’s so cute.. and I love that pic of him and Remy on the floor together.
    Ava loves cooper too, isn’t it funny how they became best friends over night??

    • Heather says:

      Thanks so much Kelly! And I know about the dog and the baby…they seemed completely disinterested in each other for the most part and then the next second they’re best friends “playing” together. I can’t believe they’re going to be 6 months so soon! Where has the time gone?!

  3. I miss your Allston updates!!

    • Heather says:

      Gaaaah, I know!!! I’ve been so busy and they’ve fallen by the wayside. Bad mama! I’ll have to do one big update since so much has changed. Allston is completely on the go and standing and I’ve also started to do Beachbody coaching, so I’ve been swamped between that and real work lol.

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